Friday, December 01, 2006

Dec. 1, 2006

Today for me is the beginning of Christmas time, I hung my wreath on my door last night at midnight Dec. 1st. I have my tree up and my other decor, I now will listen to only Christmas music until Dec. 25th. I know that is stupid, but I want to be in the Christmas spirit. But there maybe one other CD I might listen to that is not Christmas music, I really shouldn't say might I know I will its my new favorite its by Bryan Fenkart. He from NY and an up and coming singer/musician/songwriter and he is great. Just google his name and check him out, he has a myspace page too and you can sample a few of his songs. But I love this CD I've had it for about a month now and I've worn it out, its different and I love it.

Today I went shopping a little, bought a Yankee candle for a friend for Christmas, and the new Bette Christmas CD for another friend and I bought the new Chris Botti CD "December" its playing now I love it!!!

I went to Borders to buy the CD's and while I was I got a coffee, sat and read the new book by Digging for the Truth host Josh Bernstein. Great book didn't read it all but I will buy it so I can read the rest. Great book and great show if you haven't seen it, it's on the History channel check that out and him he's a little hottie.

Tonight I have a hockey game, no I don't play, I watch...the cute hot guys play =)
One of my many things I do as a job is too make the jerseys for our local hockey team. I put the names and numbers on the jerseys and do any emergency repair work if needed. It's a lot of fun I really like it, it's very different I bet no one really thought there was an actual person that did that, I also am on call for our major league baseball team during the summer as well.
There are a lot of hot guys that play sports.

That's it for today

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Boyfriend or Boy Toy

I want one!!!!!!!

either I don't care, I just want one, I'm tired of being alone, tired of doing stuff by myself


Wednesday, August 02, 2006


There are a lot of HOT!!!! Chefs out there has anyone noticed
I have, 1. Curtis Stone, if you haven't seen his new show you should it's on TLC and its called the Take Home Chef... Oh lord he is hot but he flirts a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I guess if your hot and single then why not.

2. Rocco oh dear Rocco DiSpirito so so so cute, handsome oh what can I say...I know what I can say he seems like an ass, someone that is really full of himself that gives him a big head.
Oh and the way he throws himself at women, no wonder he is having a hard time finding a girlfriend.

3. Not really a chef a son of chef/cook Paula Deen, Bobby Deen is so adorable, I could just eat him up, I love everything about him, except one thing I think he is gay. No I don't have anything against gays, my best friend is gay. I just think is such a loss for women and me.
